The Democratic Party of Illinois is nothing more than a vehicle for no talent cronies and grifters to reward friends, wield power, and personally profit from public office. Each week brings with it news of federal investigators engaging in a wide-ranging corruption probe that has already yielded indictments for two Democrat state legislators and the most powerful Chicago alderman, among others. The ongoing stream of FBI warrants and subpoenas tell the story of a political machine run amok, engaging in blatant, wide-ranging corruption without concern for consequences. Read below to learn about the main players – those already indicted and those biding their time – within the Illinois Democrat Crime Ring.
“There is virtually no level of state or local government in Cook County that is not teaming with self dealing Democrats looking to screw over taxpayers. The Illinois Democratic Party is a crime ring masquerading as a political party” -ILGOP Chairman Tim Schneider

Learn more about the Illinois Crime Ring
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